In essentials, unity; in nonessentials, liberty; in all things, charity.

Sunday, August 31, 2014

In Harm's Way

In harm's way a man sent a woman great with child. With nothing to her name she huddled between haybales, crying out in the pains of childbirth. This heartbroken young woman away from home had to fashion a nursery from her austere surroundings, using a feeding trough for a cradle and the tenuous shelter of this barn to buffer against the wind and the cold. This evil world has no room for the King's son, but a thousand armies couldn't steal the peace found in this place.

The stable is always open,
but are you out shopping?
Your gift is in the manger,
but you are at the mall.
Angry, impatient, dysfunctional families rush together with gifts and food and candles and colors-but the real celebration is a birth in a barn. Have you gone to the wrong party?

Of course, you realize this baby is Jesus and Christmas is his birthday. The party is at his home, but you have to go the way he came. he left heaven to be in harm's way so that he could invite you, the stable is always open, and he is even at the door. I'm tired of going to the wrong parties myself.

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