In essentials, unity; in nonessentials, liberty; in all things, charity.

Saturday, August 30, 2014

A Response to a Call for Tolerance

This new 'tolerance' has little or no resemblance to the true meaning of the word. In engineering, tolerance is margin of error, a compensation for the inherent imperfections in manufacturing parts that will work together. It is kept as small as possible, and anything beyond the limits of tolerance must be reworked or discarded-it would adversely affect the function of machinery. In human affairs, tolerance should exist, but does sort of as a 'necessary evil.' Absurd? Not really. How much lying would you tolerate from your children? How much theft from your employees? How much murder from your citizens? How much blood-alcohol level from those who drive the same streets you do? We all hope the highway patrol would tolerate a certain 'margin of error [for cheating]' above the speed limit, but that renders us speeders nonetheless, while at the same time rendering the rule of law meaningless, if even in the most insignificant of respects.

No that I have your attention, let us consider this. Race, nationality, gender, or heritage are by definition not the subjects of tolerance. Behavior is. If you cannot tolerate children or those of a different race, you have the problem. If you cannot tolerate lying, however, you are in the right.

The fact is, we are all created in he image of our Creator, but we have all like sheep gone astray. We have inherent value to Him, but we also have inherent character flaws in His sight. He loves us, but by His very nature cannot tolerate our wrongdoing. Be thankful that He is patiently waiting for each one of us to come around.

A certain man  'had a dream that one day we would all be judged, not by the color or our skin, but by the content of our character.' Character and behavior counted to Dr. King; I hope they count to you.

-This is the edited text of a letter I wrote to the editor of the metro OKC Times newspaper, published in October 2000AD.

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