In essentials, unity; in nonessentials, liberty; in all things, charity.

Sunday, August 31, 2014

Christmas in the Face of a Child

His face shines on a cold, wintry morn. It is framed in peace as he becomes acquainted with this new world, humble surroundings of lights, sounds and earthy smells. He has not come unannounced, but he will take a journey few will understand. The light of his eyes has come into a dark world.

He has a kingly heritage, a path of destiny. From his youth he will challenge the world. He is a threat, and will be hated, accused, and betrayed. This sweet boy will one day have to lay down his life.

In this cruel and dark world, who can show us any good? The light of his face shines upon us. There is love in his eyes, joy in his little grin, warmth in his tiny fist as it grips his mother's hand. There is hope and a future in his delicate frame. He is a gift to the world.

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